Welcome to intellid.com!

Intellid is pleased to bring you intellid.com!  Please look around for general information about our company, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions/feedback.

To learn more about Intellid, please click on "Who is Intellid?" and "Our Projects" to see who we are and what we do.


What's new?

The debut of our new website

After existing a few years, intellid.com was in need of a major overhaul.  We hope you like the new look and feel of the site, and we hope to keep it updated with all the newest information regarding Intellid.


What's to Come...

Standard graphics templates and improved website look

Intellid plans to create multiple graphical design templates for all our touchpanels and our web presence.  These updates should be arriving within a few months.


Research - Advanced Ethernet-based control systems

Intellid always looks forward into continued innovation of control systems.  With increased readiness and access to Ethernet systems, we are constantly looking into integration techniques that utilize the most modern of technologies.